Motor Vehicle Accident

Drivers Understand But Often Ignore Risks of Texting or Talking on Cell Phone

By |October 5th, 2011|

By: Jeffrey Lapin

The AAA Foundation recently released its Fourth Annual Traffic Safety Culture Index, which found that despite a driver’s knowledge and beliefs about the risks of involved with driving and texting, emailing and talking on a cell phone while driving, many drivers perform these activities anyway. Some of the findings include: […]

Alarming Statistics Regarding Distracted Driving

By |October 3rd, 2011|

By: Jeffrey Lapin

The statistics are alarming for accidents caused by driver distraction. “Distracted driving” is usually defined as “any cognitive, manual and/or visual non-driving activity that diverts a driver’s attention away from driving.”

Below is the accident statistical data for 2009, the last year in which completed reports have been published: […]

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