Credit Cards

Legal News: For The Week Ending February 1, 2013

By |February 1st, 2013|

By: Jeffrey Lapin

Legal news for the week ending February 1, 2013, from around the United States and the world that you might have missed: […]

AMEX Changing the Rules: Arbitration Instead of Court

By |January 23rd, 2013|

By: Jeffrey Lapin

At least since October 2012, American Express (“AMEX”) has changed its Cardmember Agreement to permit it to select binding arbitration for consumer disputes. Before this change, cardmembers could select either arbitration or a trial by jury. Now, unless a cardholder opts-out, AMEX can require arbitration.

American Express to Pay Millions in Refunds and Fines

By |October 2nd, 2012|

By: Jeffey B. Lapin

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) along with other federal agencies announced on October 1, 2012, that American Express Co. (AMEX) will pay $112.5 million in refunds and fines. These agencies alleged that three AMEX subsidiaries violated a number of federal laws with regard to credit cards, credit reporting and debt collection. Nearly $85 million of this money will go to approximately 250,000 customers eligible consumers. […]

CFPB Launches Consumer Complaint Database

By |June 19th, 2012|

By: Jeffrey Lapin

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) launched a Consumer Complaint Database that will provide basic information about complaints made against credit card companies. This is the first time this type of data is available to the public without the filing of a Freedom of Information request. The Database is located on the CFPB’s website, Consumer Complaint Database, which is available to view now.

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