
Drivers Prepare: Winter Weather Is Arriving Soon

As the temperatures drop we know the winter driving season is nearly upon us. Drivers need to start preparing now for driving on snow and ice. Driving on snow and ice is always challenging, but with a bit of preparation everyone can hopefully enjoy a safe winter season.


An Update on H.R. 3035 (The Mobile Informational Call Act of 2011) and a Call to Action

H.R. 3035 – The Mobile Informational Call Act of 2011
In a previous post, Proposed Act Would Permit Debt Collectors to Use Auto-Dialers to Call Cellular Telephones, H.R. 3035, the Mobile Informational Call Act of 2011, was discussed and how, if passed, would likely harm consumers. The Act, among other things, would amend the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) by changing the definition of “prior express consent” and permit debt collectors to use automatic telephone dialing systems (auto-dialers or robo-dialers) to contact a person on their cellular telephone. The Act was introduced by Representatives Lee Terry (R-NE) and Edolphus Towns (D-NY). It also had nine co-sponsors. […]

Website Update: Social Security Disability Definitions

By: Jeffrey Lapin

Lapin Law Offices has updated its website to include definitions of commonly used words and phrases in Social Security Administration Disability claims . These definitions can be viewed here: Social Security Disability Definitions

Drivers: Beware of Deer

Drivers need to be extra cautious when driving in certain areas as the majority of collisions between motor vehicles and deer occur in October and November especially in Nebraska. There are a few reasons for this. First, these are the months that prime harvesting months and crop and cover patters change quickly. In addition, there is less daylight as the days get shorter and it is harder to see the deer. Moreover, deer breeding typically begins in October, which can cause deer to be distracted. Deer activity increases and movement peaks each day near dawn and just after dusk. […]

Common Misperceptions About Credit Scores

By: Jeffrey Lapin

Many people are confused about their credit scores. In a previous post, Credit Scores: How Are They Calculated and Why Are They So Important, the basics of the importance of credit scores how they were calculated was discussed. The following are some of the most common misperceptions about credit scores: […]

By |November 4th, 2011|Articles and Information, Blog, Unfair Credit Actions|

Credit Scores: Why Are They So Important and How Are They Calculated

By: Jeffrey Lapin

Anyone who has borrowed money, obtained a credit card or incurred any type of debt from a commercial or financial entity has a credit score. Credit scores, which are calculated from information on your credit report, are simply numbers used to gauge the risk a person poses if they are lent money or issued credit. These numbers play a very important role in almost everyone’s life. […]

By |November 2nd, 2011|Articles and Information, Blog, Unfair Credit Actions|

Study: Women More Likely To Be Severely Injured In Vehicle Crashes

According to a October article published in the American Journal of Public Health, Vulnerability of Female Drivers Involved in Motor Vehicle Crashes: An Analysis of US Population at Risk, even when both use seat-belts, women are much more likely to sustain a severe injury in vehicles crashes than men. The study reviewed “national crash data […]

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) – Will It Be Better for Consumers or Debt Collectors?

Consumers will hopefully receive more protection from the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), which was created as a part of the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act ( has recently opened its doors. The new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is assuming responsibility for rules and regulating the business of debt collection that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) had been primarily handling. […]

Proposed Act Would Permit Debt Collectors to Use Auto-Dialers to Call Cellular Telephones

Representatives Lee Terry (R-NE) and Edolphus Towns (D-NY), recently introduced the Mobile Informational Call Act of 2011 (H.R. 3035, 112nd Cong., 1st Sess. (2011)), in the House of Representatives that contains sweeping changes to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), the most significant of which would permit debt collectors to use automatic telephone dialing systems (auto-dialers) to call a person’s cellular telephone. This proposed Act, which would amend certain provisions of the TCPA, can be viewed on the U.S. Government Printing Office’s website (Mobile Informational Call Act of 2011). […]

Distracted Driving, Communication Devices and Nebraska: A Summary of the Law

By: Jeffrey Lapin

Nebraska drivers are not immune from the distractions posed by the desire to “communicate” while driving. Nebraska enacted additional laws in 2010 to try and minimize distractions caused by these devices. However, Nebraska law currently only focuses on those items a driver brings into the vehicle. As noted in another article regarding new technology in motor vehicles, the law is still behind the technology. […]

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