Social Media

Legal News: For The Week Ending February 1, 2013

By |February 1st, 2013|

By: Jeffrey Lapin

Legal news for the week ending February 1, 2013, from around the United States and the world that you might have missed: […]

Social Media and Debt Collection: The United States

By |December 14th, 2011|

By: Jeffrey Lapin

Parts 1 and 2 of this Social Media and Debt Collection Series discussed Facebook and Twitter and the recent United Kingdom’s ban against debt collectors using social networking sites. This final Part will discuss the current state of United States’ law, its applicability to social networks and offer some recommendations as to what can be done to protect debtors and still permit debt collectors to collect legitimate debts in a lawful manner. […]

Social Media and Debt Collection: Limited in the United Kingdom

By |December 12th, 2011|

By: Jeffrey Lapin

This is Part 2 in a 3-Part Series regarding the use of social networking sites by debt collectors. Part 1 of this Series discussed Facebook and Twitter, two of the most popular social networking sites and services. This Part will discuss the United Kingdom’s Office of Fair Trading recent prohibition against debt collectors using social media sites and services in a way that would or could harass a debtor. […]

Social Media and Debt Collection: Facebook and Twitter

By |December 8th, 2011|

By: Jeffrey Lapin

This is Part 1 of a 3 Part Series about the use of social media, sites and services, and debt collection. This Part will discuss Facebook and Twitter, which are two of the most popular social media sites and services. Both provide limited protection to a debtor-user against a debt collector-user by, through their terms and conditions, prohibit harassment or threats. Part 2 will discuss a fairly recent change in the United Kingdom preventing debt collectors from posting debt information or contacting a debtor through a social networking site. Part 3 will discuss current U.S. law. […]

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